One week to go! Clean things up while I’m gone everyone.

I’m only 7 days away from hopping on a plane for the trip of a lifetime.  At this point, I’m very ready to go.  There are only a few minor things left to do: Haircut Buy a battery charger Format External Hard Drives Make guide for people to follow if something goes wrong at work…

Virginia Beach

I was born and bred in Virginia Beach, VA and couldn’t have this blog going without saying something about my hometown.  As it relates to travel, Virginia Beach is an excellent place for getting away on weekends.  The Shenandoah Mountains are only a 4 hour drive West along the Blue Ridge Parkway, Washington DC is…

Albatrosses of the Antarctic Converge

These are some of the largest birds on the planet and the Wandering Albatross has the largest wingspan in the world:  almost 12 feet on a body that is almost 4.5 feet in length!  The smaller of the Antarctic albatross, the Light-Mantled Sooty Albatross, has a wingspan over 7 feet!  Albatross are giants whose true…

National Geographic Endeavour

This article is a complete re-print of a review by on the Cruise Critic website.  It is the most detailed review I’ve found on the ship, and gives a good idea of what to expect from Lindblad Expeditions while traveling on this vessel.  The Endeavour is the vessel I’ll be sailing on to visit the…

Seals of the Anarctic Converge

Fur Seal ength:  6.5 feet | Weight:  200-250lbs Representing one of the greatest come backs in over-hunting by man, the Fur Seal is now a highly populated species of the antarctic converge.  Males are extremely territorial during the breeding period to protect their harem.  They are faster than a human on land and I have…

Penguins of the Antarctic Converge

Here’s a great site showing the various Penguin species around the globe and where they can be found.  In this article I am only concentrating on the species found around the Falklands, South Georgia, and the Eastern Antarctica Peninsula.  Information for this article was collected from the Bradt guide to Wildlife in Antarctica and the…

A South Georgia Gallery by Don Paulson

A recent commentor brought this gallery to my attention.  The photography is by Don Paulson, and I think he has some fantastic shots!  On top of that, he has some depictions of what to expect and see there.  I’m highlighting those here.  If you want to see Mr. Paulson’s complete gallery CLICK HERE. Don –…

Shooting in New River Gorge – what worked? What didn’t?

My latest photography trips to West Virginia were taken during the early fall of 2007, so please disregard the date this article was written. West Virginia is one of the most scenic places I’ve ever been to.  You could be standing on top of a mountain, admiring the view, then climb down the mountain to…

The Dragon – an amusement park for sports cars and motorcycles

On route 129 between North Carolina and Tennessee there is what looks like a short bypass on regular road maps, but it is anything but regular.  Innocent victims of these road maps can find themselves confronted by some of the most aggressive drivers the United States can dish out.  These are people who have come…